martes, 17 de abril de 2007


5. Mitigation

This is where EIA is most useful
Once section 4 has been completed it will be obvious where the impacts will be greatest
Using this information ways to avoid negative impacts should be developed
Best working with the developer with this section as they know the project best
Using the windfarm example again construction could be out of bird nesting seasons

6. Non-technical summary

The EIA will be in the public domain and be used in the decision making process
It is important that the information is available to the public
This section is a summary that does not include jargon or complicated diagrams
It should be understood by the informed lay-person

7. Lack of know-how/technical difficulties

This section is to advise any areas of weakness in knowledge
It can be used to focus areas of future research
Some developers see the EIA as a starting block for good environmental management

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